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Call for Revolution in the FRG: The Berlin Republic is Dead
This speech must be delivered 1:1 in the USA. And all other party dictatorships.
Dr. Paul Brandenburg is a German physician who is highly respected in the FRG resistance. He has dared on 04.09.2023 in Greifswald to call for revolution and the removal of the corrupt Berlin dictatorship.
Greifswald lies in the northeast of the FRG, the better part of Germany. Because in the East, people have better understood how to eliminate a dictatorship. And also this "elimination" was only a coup controlled by the Deepstate of the USA, what intelligent people understood already in 1989. The people in the West have received the occupation and oppression by the USA for 40 years indoctrinated as "freedom" and are thus far more dumbed down than the people in the East.
That is why the dictatorship in the FRG still works. Germany has never stopped being "Nazi". Only the technologies were improved, among other things with the help and on order of the USA.
The Berlin dictatorship of 2023 is not one bit better than the Berlin dictatorship of 1933, only different.
It is time to implement Paul Brandenburg's demands - not only in Germany. Because the root of the evil is in the USA - since 100 years.
And the situation in the United States is 1:1 the same as in Germany:
We must standup for the constitution and fight ALL parties and their non constitutional robbery of the state(s).
Highlightings in the speech by LWL.
The Berlin Republic is Dead
According to the words of our Basic Law, our Republic is one of freedom, a democracy, a constitutional state.
In this republic and on the soil of our Basic Law, an unparalleled prosperity grew over forty years. A prosperity for the largest part of its citizens. The part in the west of our country. These citizens in the west of our country experienced nothing but growth and success over forty years. The happiness of this majority must be understood if one wants to understand how it was lost.
If one wants to understand how, on the soil of our Basic Law, all that remained of all the success of its Federal Republic were life lies. Lies that for far too many years have already turned all the values of our Basic Law into their opposite: freedom, democracy and the rule of law.
For a state that creates its own majesties, whose vanities may not be violated under penalty of law, is certainly not a free state.
A state that wants to ban its most powerful opposition party is never democratic.
A state whose chief justice - like the current one - discusses his own judgment of him with the head of government over dinner in advance can certainly not be a constitutional state.
The truth of this state, the truth of this Berlin republic, it can be seen as clearly as it can be smelled, it has been in the air as the stench of a corpse for a long time:
This Berlin Republic is dead.
The truth is: A state whose chancellor insults peace demonstrators as emissaries of "hell" is governed by warmongers. By a chancellor, moreover, who himself is involved in the biggest tax robbery and a belligerent attack on his own country.
The truth is open madness. The truth is: A state whose criminal police - as recently in Hesse - spreads calls for murder against opposition members is a terrorist state - nothing else.
The truth is: A regime that, like the so-called "traffic light" (traffic light symbolizes the colors of the parties of the actual dictatorship - LWL), only came to power through judicially established election fraud is illegitimate.
And if - like this traffic light - such a regime then holds on to power despite everything, it is nothing other than a dictator.
The truth is that a federal president who agitates against his own citizens,
who blatantly calls for violence and division, who tramples on his own constitution, should not remain in office.
The truth is that the ministers of health of this state have most recently severely damaged - if not killed - millions of people with full knowledge of their own deeds with nothing more than selfishness in their lives.
The truth of this republic of corpses is that its Minister of the Interior is now already routinely hunting down dissidents with police and also secret service (Verfassungsschutz - LWL). She has special units storming the homes of families, young children as well as the dissidents themselves.
It has them wiretapped and shadowed and actually then, through open violation of the law, has their private conversations - as now with Markus Krall and H. G. Maaßen - publicly disseminated by its propaganda helpers. (The dictators forwarded wiretapped communications to the fake news media - LWL)
And while in the Berlin city-state - also a part of the truth madness - a minister warns - again - against allegedly "dangerous" books, there the injustice rule stirs up country widely - again - also at the same time hate on Jews among us. As unbearable as this truth is, it must finally become clear:
With full intent and against every right, the leadership of this republic since 2015 is now importing hatred, hatred of us and our country. Anti-Semitism as well as ever new knife murders. With full intent.
All this open madness, all this terror against our lives has - it seems - only been recognized here so far: in the East.
In the part of our country where people remember well how the always same lies sound, the lies of the so-called "solidarity", the lies of allegedly "better people" and their "higher aims".
Today, finally, as the blowing up of our gas supply by our own "allies", as the destruction of our industry, as the deliberate mass poverty has its first consequences also in the West, as the admission of these life lies also sets in with the majority.
Today, when even the most loyal propagandists can no longer hide: Nine out of ten Germans have recognized their enemy. He is not on the left, not on the right and not abroad, but only above them.
The murderer of our Basic Law and the Berlin Republic is party corruption. It perverted all law and took our state as its prey. With no word did our Basic Law ever give this power to parties that usurped its functionaries.
Thus our constitution shares the fate of many texts: deliberate abuse by the reading public. The best sentences of all books, the highest values of all times could always be abused for their own perversion.
Thus the functionaries of the parties have created a corruption, from the "presidents of doctors" to those of the courts, from the "state protection" commissioners to bus drivers and waiters who control "vaccination" and "masking" duties.
Whoever has realized all this, whoever has finally recognized that Olaf Scholz (Chancellor - LWL) like Markus Söder (Governor Bavaria - LWL), that Karl Lauterbach (Surgeon general federal government - LWL) like Nancy Faeser (Minister of the Interior - LWL) are nothing but criminals,
must admit to himself that he no longer has the right to obey them.
Certainty follows from this insight in another respect as well: that no election alone will save us anymore. Neither in the federal government, nor in the states. This party corruption will lie, falsify, threaten and, if need be, shoot at us.
But the solution also follows from our admission of these lies:
That it is up to us, namely, to create this republic, which the wording of our Basic Law wants for a long time.
It may be possible to make many improvements to this Basic Law in the future. But today - and this is decisive - not a single sentence needs to be changed. And it makes no difference at all whether our Basic Law is now called a constitution.
Because if we enforce it, as it is already written today, that means nothing other than revolution. Nothing less than the overdue disposal of a corpse of a state that is only useful to the vultures.
And nothing less than a revolution will be able to bring us the freedom, democracy and rule of law that our Basic Law demands.
We must dissolve this Bundestag (parliament - LWL) of the dead republic!
We need new elections now,
without any list of any party and its corruption.
We need now a parliament of the citizens
that will finally drive this regime out of office,
that finally puts on the street all their stooges of the higher service in authorities and courts,
that finally establishes a rule of law that treats all these criminals for what they are.
We now need a parliament of citizens,
that will stop the madness of mass immigration.
as well as that of the so-called "climate policy".
We need now the exit from the "European Union" and the exit from the so-called "World Health Organization". We need to finally find a post-war order for Europe in peace and on an equal footing with both Russia and the USA.
None of this, but nothing at all will ever be possible without a revolution for our Basic Law.
The path to this goal requires courage, more courage than we have shown so far. Courage to endure what is inevitable: the full force of the criminals in power.
They have long confessed that no "red lines" apply to them. We can be sure that they mean it. From their tables and from their bunkers they would rather have us shot at than give up in peace.
But as clear as all our words must finally become,
as uncompromisingly we must all finally stand up to the criminals, so immovable must be our principle: Peace - and freedom from violence.
Decisive for this is NOT that they will always have more weapons. What is decisive is the other thing that must be lacking in all those who, like us, fight for democracy and the rule of law: ruthlessness.
We stand up for a republic in which, according to the first article of our Basic Law, even the vilest criminal can only have the same degree of dignity as we do - whether his name is Scholz, Faeser or Lauterbach.
Any violence from us can only ever be for their benefit. Any violence would be a welcome pretext for more terror. That is the only reason why they staged the state theater of the “Rollator Putsch” (“Walker coup” - staged “revolution” of seniors 60 and up to overturn the government in 2022 - LWL). Solely for this reason their agents of the "Verfassungsschutz" (domestic intelligence service - LWL) faked the state theater of the "storm on the Reichstag" (The German version of January 6 - LWL).
These agents of the regime stand with certainty also today and here among us. Meet them as well as their masters with as much uncompromisingness as humor! Let go of all "fear", throw away all "proofs" and refuse them ANY obedience!
If we come together in peace in this way and shout the truth in their faces wherever we meet them, then we will see their end and finally also the beginning of a new republic of freedom, democracy and the rule of law.
Thank you, Paul Brandenburg!
Let’s rise worldwide!
The video of the original speech:
Overcome your limitations and find your happiness. Dare to try!
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