What are your habits?
Are you grateful every day?
Do you use gratitude as your hotline to the universe?
Maybe your first reaction is: "Hey, are you still okay? What should I be grateful for every day?"
It's simple. Be grateful that you are alive; billions of people don't do that anymore. You might be thinking: "What a load of bullshit! I should still be grateful for what's happening to me right now?"
Exactly for that. Because it can always be worse; maybe I'm making you furious right now, and you're thinking: "What the hell was he smoking? That stuff must be worse than my situation! Nothing could be worse for me!"
Yes, it's always possible, believe me.
Have you ever heard the saying, "When you think you can't go on, a light comes from somewhere"? Probably not, if you think as described above. For some people, no floodlights can brighten up the situation.
But why do you think this way?
Is it your boss?
Your colleagues?
Your parents?
Your wife?
Your husband?
Your children?
Your financial situation?
Your health?
To ... To ...
It's all down to you, your view, and your life! If you think shit, your life is shit, too. And if you think great and positive, you have a fantastic life. It's as simple as that, period! If you don't bring gratitude into your life, you just give up your hotline to the universe. You can do that, but then don't complain about your life.
We are talking here about the law of attraction, one of the universal laws of life. The basis of these laws can be found in Hermeticism, an ancient doctrine of revelation, and you will always find individual information on the individual laws here with me. The law of attraction says you will and can only ever attract what you think. This law always works in conjunction with six other laws of life.
It doesn't matter whether you believe it or not; the laws of life affect you either way. In this respect, you will make your life a little easier if you give your belief in the laws of life a chance.
This is precisely where you can activate your hotline to the universe through gratitude. Please believe me: no situation in your life is so bad that you can't find something positive in it—NONE!
Here's a small example from my life: I was driving behind a truck on a four-lane road and listening to an audiobook when a Ford Mustang came shooting up from behind and squeezed in front of me. I don't like driving behind cars like that, so I changed lanes. A moment later, the truck behind which the Mustang was now driving slammed on the brakes—I don't know why—and the Mustang crashed into the truck while I was at the same height and drove past.
Admittedly, it wasn't a nice situation; an accident is never nice. Was that luck for me? "Yes" is probably what most people say. I say "no", it was destiny. Things like that happen to me constantly, and I know that the universe (for you, that might be God) always means well to me.
I immediately thanked the universe for not driving behind the truck, as I most likely wouldn't have been able to avoid it either; I wasn't driving so close.
My thinking attracts what others call "luck." I say “Thank you” dozens of times every day—to the cashier, on the phone, on the hotline—everywhere. And you know what? I always get what I want. I don't have the idea in my mind that I can't do something.
There's no such thing as can't!
Is the layover on my flight impossible? I always manage it. I forget things when checking my hand luggage. So far, a friendly helper has always run after me and brought them to me! Is my favorite restaurant fully booked for my wedding day? I got a nice table in a prime location. There's a two-hour wait at our favorite bar because you can't make a reservation. Not for me; I show up, and a table is available.
With each of these little everyday occurrences, I never forget one thing—I say “Thank you!”
I thank my wonderful wife several times daily for everything she does for me.
I thank my dogs for being so well-behaved.
I thank my neighbor for helping me whenever I need him.
I give thanks all day long for small and big things, and I am grateful from the bottom of my heart for everything in my life.
Gratitude and giving thanks regularly are not difficult. You may be much better at it than I am. In every situation in your life, there is something you can be grateful for and give thanks for.
Please believe me.
You've lost your job and don't know what to do next?
Great, they didn't understand how great you are. Now you can get going much better!
Your partner has left you?
Great, you're free and can find something better!
Your car has broken down and needs expensive repairs, and you don't have the money?
It's good that this didn't happen during your probationary period. Now, your company understands you much better and knows what you have in you.
Think positively and find the advantages in every situation in your life so that you can thank them for it.
I promise you one thing:
Your life will change spectacularly in just a few weeks because you will attract good things into it—very little at the beginning and more later! Gratitude makes you happy and brings happiness into your life a little more every day.
And latest then you will understand from day to day better in every situation of your life:
The best is yet to come!
Closely related to gratitude is happiness:
I can relate. Gratitude brings grace into focus and there is so much to enjoy. Like the lotus flower arising out of the mud.