The Suicide of the USA by Egon Fischer
The die has been cast. In the last few days, the USA has committed suicide from an energetic point of view.
Today a view of the future of the USA was published here on Substack, which I would like to share with you.
is a well known clairvoyant from Austria who is regularly in contact with spiritual beings in the universe (not on this 3D world -> 5D) and receives information from them about what is going on in the world. He does this by asking the spiritual beings about the clairvoyant views and experiences he has.My first answer to him you can find at the end of this article.
Here is
's article:The Suicide of the USA
(Link to original German written article)
this is a very special contribution. It is about possible future developments in the USA. I received some information from the spiritual world that shook me and has kept me busy ever since. I thought about whether I should publish this information, as it might not only worry some readers, but even cause them to panic and be afraid. However, I came to the conclusion that it would be better to publish the energetic background and the information from the spiritual world. Because if the scenarios that come from the information from the spiritual world actually manifest, then the mass media and, unfortunately, many free media will spread countless horror stories. If the scenarios do manifest, then things will become quite grim in the USA and possibly also in the Middle East at some point, but there will be no third world war and the German-speaking world will not be in danger.
Iran's retaliatory attack on Israel as the trigger
On the night of Saturday, April 13, 2024, to Sunday, April 14, 2024, Iran launched a retaliatory strike against Israel. The world trembled because it was impossible to predict how Israel and its main ally and protector, the USA, would react. According to media reports, the U.S. president called the Israeli leader and suggested that Israel refrain from retaliating against Iran. However, Israeli officials have since publicly stated that Israel will retaliate against Iran.
When I heard about the Iranian retaliation on Sunday morning, I checked the energy situation and had the impression that the situation would not escalate in the short term. However, the energy situation was such that I did not get any information about the medium and long-term energy development. So when I heard from the media on Sunday that the US President had intervened and asked Israel not to escalate the situation any further, I was not surprised. The energetic situation I perceived was not worrisome for the next few days.
A Huge Energetic Explosion in the USA
On Monday evening (4/15/2024) I was listening to a podcast. Suddenly a vision came to me and I saw a huge explosion over the USA. Several very large rings of fire appeared on the ground and rose into the air.
The vision really forced itself upon me, which is very unusual for me when I am busy with other things.
Later I asked my spiritual colleagues: What does this mean? I didn't get an answer.
I let the vision sink in and came to the conclusion that there was some connection between Iran's retaliation and the vision. But I didn't get any further information from the spirit world. I suspect that on April 14, 2024, and/or April 15, 2024, someone in the US made an important and far-reaching decision that very quickly triggered a very negative energetic development for the US. From a spiritual point of view, the USA committed energetic suicide on April 14, 2024 or April 15, 2024.
They must announce the Israel-Iran war
In alternative circles it has long been noted that important events are always somehow announced in advance. From a spiritual and energetic point of view, this is necessary. Early in the morning of April 16, 2024, I found a message on Brian Berletic's Channel on Telegram (US Plan to Use Israel to Provoke War with Iran) that shocked and dismayed me.
US Plan to Use Israel to Provoke War with Iran only Works if the World is Convinced the US "Tried to Stop Israel"
Signed/dated US policy regarding containment of/regime change in Iran seeks to provoke a war against Iran the US must appear reluctant to wade into;
There is an entire chapter in the Brookings Institution paper "Which Path to Persia?" titled, "Leave it to Bibi" (Benjamin Netanyahu) - a plan that only works if the US can convince the world it had nothing to do with Israel's attack on Iran;
In reality, the US will have encouraged and enabled an Israeli attack, while having quietly prepared to intervene afterwards;
Current attempts to appear to convince Israel to "deescalate" is a pillar of this policy to provoke war by proxy, not stop war;
On April 16, 2024, Brian Berletic released the video The 2009 US Policy Paper that Laid Out Future Israel-Iran War on his YouTube channel The New Atlas, in which he goes into more detail about the US plan to seduce Israel into attacking Iran, making it appear to the rest of the world that the US is against it and therefore is perceived as an "innocent" party.
In the video description, Brian Berletic also provides the link to the paper:
Brian Berletic also published a post on Telegram with a link to the aforementioned Youtube video and wrote the following text:
Far from a series of diplomatic blunders, the escalating tensions in the Middle East are part of a long-standing US policy of baiting Iran into open war in pursuit of containment and regime change;
As the US has used conflict to reassert itself over Europe, it is seeking to engulf the Middle East in conflict to once again reassert itself there;
While the US attempts to create plausible deniability regarding repeated Israel provocations, it is the US ultimately enabling Israeli aggression;
Claims that Washington seeks to avoid escalation contradict US attempts to block accountability for Israel in the UN Security Council;
Iran has clearly walked into a trap, what remains to be seen is if it was fully prepared to do so, or if it has gravely miscalculated;
I read a few chapters of the document Brookings Institution - Which Way to Persia? Options for a New American Strategy Toward Iran (PDF, 2009) and was pretty much done after that.

I have included a few pages from the document at the end of this post.
The document describes almost exactly the course of the Iran-Israel conflict to date. And if events continue as described in the document, then there will be an escalation in the Middle East that will have a very negative impact on the USA.
The die is cast for the USA
On the morning of Tuesday, April 16, 2024, I received some shocking information from the spiritual world. The information from the spiritual world was
Many people will die. There will be an outcry in the U.S.
I asked: What is the probability of this happening?
Answer from the spiritual world: Currently 70 to 80%.
I then checked if I could perceive other timelines for the USA. I can perceive two other timelines. One with a probability of about 10%, but it is much worse. In this timeline I see a lot of chaos and extreme fear and panic in the population of the USA.
Another timeline has a probability of manifestation of 5-10%. I see the most violent political turmoil. I have the impression that the political situation is completely out of control and that political segregation is the result.
A short time later I received further information from the spiritual world:
The die is cast for the USA. They have finally rejected the last peaceful option. From now on, the only question is how many people will die in the USA.
According to the information from the spiritual world, there will be many deaths in the USA in the coming months or years, and possibly some dead US soldiers in the Middle East. Large parts of the population will be in fear and panic.
I then asked how long it would take for events to unfold in the USA. The answer was: The time frame has not yet been determined. It could start in a few months, but also in 2025 or in the following years. It is very likely that the events will unfold by 2027/2028.
Streams of Fire Flowing Toward the USA
On April 17, 2024, when I analyzed the energetic situation in the USA again, I noticed that huge energetic fire currents were flowing towards the USA from all over the world. These fire currents had a very destructive effect. When I saw the fire currents, my solar plexus became very uncomfortable and I thought to myself: Oh God, this cannot be. If these energies manifest in the US, there won't be much of the US left.
I wanted to know from my colleagues what was happening. They explained it to me: There is a connection between the destructive energies that will manifest in the USA in the near future and the energetic events during the last Solar Eclipse (hereafter referred to as SoEc). Very powerful destructive energies were released during the SoEc that will now flow towards the US and manifest there.
The intention was to redirect the destructive energy elsewhere. But the intention was weaker than the resonance. After the Iranian retaliation against Israel, very destructive things happened in the US and a strong destructive energy field built up. The destructive energies released during the SoEc are now taking effect in the U.S. according to the principle of resonance and the law of attraction.
The direction / intention of the energy field created in the USA after Iran's retaliatory attack on Israel is far too weak compared to the destructive energy field created during the SoEc. In other words, they wanted to redirect the negative energy released during the SoEc. But they lost control of the energy field and now the energy is flowing towards the US and will manifest there.
Therefore, from today's perspective, there is no escape. The very destructive energy field will "discharge" or manifest in the US.
Questions to the colleagues and their answers (spiritual colleagues)
I then had a long conversation with my colleagues, which I will reproduce in the form of a Q&A. I asked my colleagues a question and they answered me:
What would happen or what would be the effect if the U.S. were to prevent an escalation in the Middle East?
Then the amount of destruction would be reduced, but the destructive energy field is already there and it is very powerful. There is no going back.
Is there any way to dissolve the destructive energy field over the U.S.?
Only by a miracle. However, the level of destruction could be drastically reduced. But this would require many US elites and very many US citizens to change their minds very quickly, which is very unlikely from today's perspective.
What happened in the U.S. after Iran's retaliatory attack on Israel that created such a negative information field in the U.S.?
You wouldn't understand and it is better that you don't know.
I asked a number of other questions and wanted to explore if there was any way to avert the manifestation of this extremely destructive energy field. I also asked what would happen if many people from other countries sent light and love to the US.
The answer has always been: it's too late. Light and Love work in the medium and long term and in most cases lead to a slow learning process.
But by the time the realization brought about by Light and Love in the USA is so great that it has a major impact on the energy field, the process of destruction would be very far advanced. A greater help would be if the people acting in the USA and many of the inhabitants of the USA would become more conscious and thus realize what they are triggering and causing with their energies and decisions. With a sufficiently high level of consciousness, much of the destructive energies could be redirected and the amount of suffering and death would be greatly reduced. Every energy seeks a form in the long run. From today's perspective, the energy field is too strong for people to be able to dissolve it completely. So it has to manifest somehow. The form of manifestation has not yet been determined.
So would it help to send consciousness to the USA?
You cannot raise another person's consciousness. The other person has to do that for itself. But of course you can offer "Consciousness Energy". Whether the other person accepts the offer and becomes more conscious is up to the other person, not the person making the offer of consciousness. You cannot save others against their will. Not even with consciousness.
The manifestation process has already begun
Today, on April 18th, 2024, I have once again analyzed the energetic situation in the USA. On a high energetic level I see a very destructive energetic layer. From this layer, several energetic columns have formed down to the ground. This means that the destructive energetic layer has already partially come into contact with the "earthly" level. In other words, the first phase of a manifestation process, the "grounding phase," has already begun. However, this does not tell us when the main phase of manifestation will begin. That may take years. I see two other energy fields below the destructive energy layer. In a previous article I wrote that the energy field of the USA has split into two fields. One of the two fields has a pale yellow color, and the other field has a slightly bluish color. This bluish color is an energetic color and has nothing to do with the party color of the Democratic party. I can see the bluish energy field to the right of the yellow field, and it is also slightly larger than the yellow field.
I asked my spiritual colleagues a few more questions today. Unfortunately, I didn't get any concrete answers. They just told me that I would not get any more information about the USA in the near future.
My Interpretation of What Happened
In the following, I will give my personal assessment and interpretation of future developments. Based on the information I currently have, there are two "stages". One stage is the Middle East and the second stage is the USA.
The "Middle East" Stage
In the Middle East, Israel will most likely launch a retaliatory strike against Iran. This may be a "small" strike or a "big" strike. Depending on the outcome, Iran will either refrain from responding or launch another counterstrike against Israel. If the situation escalates and the U.S. intervenes on the side of Israel, there will be dead U.S. soldiers in the Middle East. This is information from the spirit world. But the spiritual world has not said that this has to happen. It can happen that way.
The "USA" Stage
According to the information from the spiritual world, a very destructive energy field will manifest in the USA, no matter what happens in the Middle East. The colleagues just noted that if things escalate in the Middle East, the manifestation of the destructive energy field would accelerate.
Even earlier, the spiritual colleagues said that the U.S. is "disintegrating" and will become geopolitically, economically and militarily irrelevant in the long run. But until recently I have not received any information from the spiritual world that the USA will be destroyed by the dissolution process in the narrower sense (i.e. "materially" or similar). So it would have been possible for something to change only politically (e.g. some states "leaving" the USA). This would of course have economic and other consequences. But it would not have led to any major "material" destruction. According to the latest information, however, there is now an additional factor: From today's (energetic) point of view, the dissolution process will be very destructive. How the destruction will manifest itself in concrete terms is still completely unclear. It could be major natural disasters, it could be civil war, or it could be massive hyperinflation and a total collapse of the economy, leading to famine and Mad Max conditions with many deaths. I suspect there will be several very different events in the course of the destruction process. For example, major natural disasters, a very large economic collapse, and major political turmoil with civil war-like conditions. I have analyzed the U.S. energy field to see if there could be a military conflict in the U.S. during the destruction process. I have found no indication that any other country or power in North America is attacking the U.S. militarily.
The Writing on the Wall - It's Been a Long Time Coming
In 2014, I had a vision in which I saw the national symbol of the United States, a bald eagle, sitting on a rock. At the time, I wasn't sure if the bird I saw in the vision was a bald eagle. I described this vision on a forum. In the post at that time I wrote: ... Probably because the eagle had almost no feathers left and was sitting on a rock looking quite ill. And the recommendation from the spiritual world at that time was: The eagle should be taken to an intensive care unit as soon as possible before it falls off the rock.
In 2023, for example, I received more information from the spiritual world:
The U.S. has crossed a red line several times, it will disintegrate.
The USA will become geopolitically insignificant and will no longer be taken seriously.
This year, 2024, it has continued:
The US energy field has split. There are now two separate energy fields over the USA.
In my article of January 7, 2024, 2024: The Circle of Fire, Immortality and Salvation (German), I wrote (emphasis mine):
The situation in the Middle East does not seem to be easing. Quite the opposite. Tensions are rising, and some experts fear that the conflict will escalate. I asked my intellectual colleagues for their opinion. In a nutshell, they said: The US and Israel are dancing into the abyss together.
From today's perspective, the U.S. has energetically fallen into the abyss in recent days. Energetically, the child has already fallen into the well and died. And whenever I ask my spiritual colleagues if there is another scenario, they say: It's too late. The die is cast.
The Energetic Background to the US Self-Destruction Process
For many readers, it is probably completely incomprehensible that I do not receive any information from the spiritual world about when and how the US self-destruction process will unfold. However, if you take a closer look at the energetic "mechanisms", it cannot be otherwise. I am not receiving any detailed information from the spiritual world at this time because the spiritual world does not yet know how the process will ultimately unfold on the 3D level.
In several further articles I will describe the energetic background of the self-destruction processes in the USA and Germany. I will publish these articles in the paid blog Only clairvoyant - not insane (German). I expect to publish the first article entitled "The Self-Destruction Process of the USA: An Energetic Analysis" by the end of this week.
The Impact on Europe and the German-speaking World
If the scenarios were to materialize, the impact in the German-speaking world would be limited to economic and political aspects. If there is an escalation in the Middle East or a sharp downturn in the US, oil prices and probably the prices of a number of other items (especially food) would probably rise. As supply chains are also likely to be disrupted, there could be temporary shortages of various products. Since the Euro is heavily dependent on the US Dollar, a major catastrophic development in the U.S. would also have a currency impact on Europe. However, the German-speaking countries would not be involved in any military or other conflicts. It should also be noted that I have NOT received any time frame from the spiritual world. I mentioned in this article that the energetic situation of the USA was already highly alarming in 2014 (i.e. about 10 years ago!!!), but not much has manifested so far. What is new now is that according to information from the spiritual world, at some point in the future, a process of destruction will take place in the USA that can no longer be averted. My spiritual colleagues have repeatedly emphasized that it is now too late for the USA. They had their chance and they didn't take it.
If you are prone to thoughts of fear and panic or rescue impulses, please read the articles No horror movies with anxiety (German) and We can't save anyone (German) on the blog Insights from the couch (German) by psychologist and psychotherapist Brigitte Fuchs. I have already linked to these articles in one of my earlier posts. But since many new readers have found their way to my blog since then, I'm mentioning them again.
No matter what happens in the Middle East. If it escalates, there will certainly be a lot of scare stories again, not only in the mass media, but probably in many "alternative" media as well. Please stay in your midst. Stay calm. There will not be a third world war, and the German-speaking world seems to be particularly protected from an energetic point of view. An escalation in the Middle East could well have a more serious impact on France and the UK. But even there I do not see any military conflicts in connection with the Middle East at the moment. A long time ago, my intellectual colleagues noted that France and the United Kingdom will also disintegrate. But it will probably be several years before that happens. Two days ago, my intellectual colleagues made an interesting comment about Macron: He is the gravedigger of France. In terms of energy, the collateral damage that France will suffer as a result of the Ukraine conflict is greater than the impact of the Middle East conflict.
Until the next post, I wish you all the best and - no matter what happens - always stay in the eye of the cyclone.
aka eFischMy first short answer to this interesting article
,I think it's problematic to judge a country you know very little about and where you don't live.
The awakening process is light years more advanced in the USA than in many other countries of the world, especially Germany, Austria and Switzerland. There are far more people in the US who recognize these very things, albeit from a different perspective, and who are grappling with the issues of a solution.
One of the most likely solutions will be secession, which may well be peaceful. Regardless, Washington D.C. and the dollar system are likely to collapse, and this will trigger upheavals around the world that are difficult for people to imagine today.
The situation in Europe that will result from these economic problems in the US will be at least as unpleasant as the situation in the US.
But there is one big difference. The mindset and perception of people in the US is completely different from the mindset and perception of people in most European countries. The USA will recover from all these upheavals much faster than any other country.
Those who are aware of this will get through these times without any problems.
That is why and precisely why the following applies today:
The best is yet to come!
Living without limitations with the spirit of LIVE WITHOUT LIMITS lets you understand my ending mantra every day.
And that is not political when you are living without limitations!
Some excerpts from the Brookings Institution document
We each have an opinion.
I would argue if an alien came to this planet and looked at our leaders. The two we have to choose from, Trump and Biden. They would think we are doomed also. So I would say you guys are in good company.
I on the other hand, choose to be optimistic as being negative is tiring and drags you down. I could lose my limbs and still be happy to be alive. Fearing death is for the weak IMO. Giving up admitting there is no hope is death.
Have a good day!!